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Going solar is a decision that more and more U.S. homeowners are making, and with the rising cost of utilities, it’s little wonder that the prospect of reduced energy bills and a reduced dependency on the grid that a solar system offers, is proving so tempting for so many.

However, while the decision to have solar panels installed at your home might be the best one you can make for the sake of both your bills and the health of the planet, you might be left wondering what will actually happen when they come to be installed.

To help you make sense of the process and better understand what will happen during a solar panel installation, here is a brief guide:

  • Firstly, an engineer will visit your home (or business)

A formal evaluation of the property will be carried out by a qualified engineer, who will examine the roof to make sure that it’s structurally sound and that your electrical system is compatible with the solar panels.

  • Then, the necessary permits will be secured

Once the property inspection is complete, your property is deemed suitable for a solar array, and a plan has been formulated as to where they will be installed, it’s then time to secure all the necessary permits and documentations. Provided you work with a reputable solar provider, they will do all of this for you, and make sure that the right clearance and permission has been granted and gained, before the installation takes place.

  • Next, all the equipment will be ordered

Your solar installer will order all of the necessary items that will make up your solar system, from the panels and components to connect them, to the tools and equipment for getting the panels onto the roof and securing them there.

  • Then, your panels will be installed

Trained solar technicians will arrive at a predetermined date and time to attach the panels to your roof and make sure that everything is working properly.

  • Lastly, the connection will be made

The last step in the solar panel installation process is to turn the new system on and connect it to the grid. This step will require permission from your local government, but the solar company will have already secured this so that your system can be switched on right away, and you can start producing clean, green energy for your home, without delay!

Usually, having solar panels installed is a painless, stress-free process, and by using the right company, you can start saving on your energy bills from the minute the connection is made. To start lowering your utilities and reduce your carbon footprint today, call up a local solar panel company and schedule an onsite consultation.

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